
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Annual Business Meeting – 2025

Annual Business Meeting – 2025

Subject – Election for Pastor Mark and Christie Anne

By Rick Welborne

--Every leader needs mentors and models—typically other leaders ahead of where we are in our growth and our journey. 

--And every leader also needs to be mentoring and modeling those just behind us. This is the only way for discipleship to take on a multi-generational nature. Paul: 

2 Timothy 2:2(NLT), “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others”.

--In order to both mentor and be mentored effectively, it’s important to see how the relationship between Paul and Timothy developed over time. It unfolded in three phases.

1. Parenthood in Ministry

1 Timothy 1:2 (NLT2)
2  I am writing to Timothy, my true son in the faith. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace. 

--We first meet Timothy in Acts 16 when Paul is heading out on his second missionary journey. He stops in Lystra to pick up the young disciple who accompanies him, assists him, and serves him.

--He was a sort of apprentice under him. Timothy’s biological father was Greek, but no evidence is ever given that he was a Christian. So Paul filled the shoes of a spiritual father to Timothy.

--I remember the first time Pastor Mark ever referred to me as his spiritual father. That was very humbling to me then and still is to this day.

--Sadly, so many young pastors do not have mentors or spiritual dads to help them grow in the ministry. When Pastor Mark said that to me, it challenged me to take my role seriously.

--We need a sense of parenthood as we mentor because it’s vital as we help others dream big dreams.

2. Pace-setting in Ministry

--The second phase of our ministry mentoring is pace-setting—trying to be the example of what mature ministry looks like. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy: 

2 Timothy 3:10-11 (NLT2)
10  But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance.
11  You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. 

--Paul sets the pace with his life and challenges Timothy to learn by keeping up and emulating his lifestyle.

--You’ve probably heard people say that Christianity is always one generation from extinction. I think that might be oversimplifying it, but the next generation is always watching, so we need to set the pace.

3. Partnering in Ministry

--In the book of Romans, there is an interesting reference that Paul makes to Timothy. Very thought provoking and revealing.

Romans 16:21 (NLT2) 21 Timothy, my fellow worker, sends you his greetings…

--Timothy has gone from being a son to a student and now to being a colleague and a co-laborer. 

--We spend plenty of time wanting and praying for more laborers, but perhaps not enough time investing in those with the potential to become our partners in the mission. We must be intentional.

--We all serve today because of the repetition of this three-phase process for centuries. It didn’t stop with Timothy. It shouldn’t stop with us. 

--The baton is being passed to Pastor Mark, Christie Anne, and you who are hearing this, and it is our responsibility to be parents, pacesetters, and partners with the next generation until Jesus comes!

--Pastor Mark and Christie Anne have grown to become fellow workers because they have been willing to grow. They are more than co-workers; they are dear friends.

--Some may say, it appears they have been groomed for such a time as this and I say, “Thanks for noticing!”

--Churches struggle so much because of their lack of consideration about leadership change but your pastor and Board have been working toward this for several years. We have been intentional. 

--Moses had his Joshua, Paul had his Timothy, David had his Jonathan, and Pastor Rick has his Pastor Mark. This pattern is biblical and good. My charge to them:

2 Timothy 2:1-3 (NKJV) 1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2  And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
3  You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 

--They are well qualified because they have been faithful to God, the church, and to me! Faithfulness is the number one qualifier for leadership as far as I am concerned.

Note: Pastor Mark never approached me about wanting to be the lead pastor of Life Church, I did the pursuing.

--Any time I brought up the subject he always encouraged me to pastor as long as I wanted because he was happy and content to serve with me. What an amazing spirit…Holy Spirit.

--When things are done God’s way, they do not have to be forced.

--I will continue to be the Lead Pastor until February 2026 when Pastor Mark will assume his place as lead pastor. Of course, based on the vote tonight.

--Making the decision tonight will save the church a lot of drama at that time because the decision will have already been made.

--This decision has nothing to do with my health issues or with having more grand babies. It’s just time.

--Pastor Mark and I are discussing my role here at Life Church after the transition. I will not stay if it appears me being here hurts him, the church, or God’s Kingdom.

Final Thought – Pastor Mark will not be Pastor Rick and you should be glad for that. God does not call copies, He calls originals. Pastor Mark is a great man of God.

Prayer and Q and A.

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